Sunday, January 14, 2007

What Did Ministers Know & When Did They Know It?

ITV News has just reported that there was a meeting at the Home Office last year between ACPO and civil servants on the prisoner files issue that became so heated that Ministers were informed. Which Ministers, and when?


Anonymous said...

So the fall guy might not have to take all the flack after all.........

Anonymous said...

Hey, this is warming up! I smell resignations. Don't fumble this one Tory front bench. Go for the jugular.

Anonymous said...

Home Office Questions on Monday I think. Something will happen before then. Of course the original leak came form the Brown camp. So much for his new style.

Anonymous said...

The Home office are having a crackdown. Or is it a clampdown?
Whatever. A "senior civil servant" is "suspended". Like he misses the next two league games, but he's eligible for the Cup.
I can't wait for the "Inquiry", conducted by one of Fat Charlie's chums. A week before the findings, we'll be briefed that it's looking bad for Reid/ Blair/ New Labour.
Then, the findings. No case to answer. And Blair's grinning like a hyena. And the senior civil servant is back to work. He's rewarded with a month's supply of luncheon vouchers.

Anonymous said...

...Remember it's not the incompetence that does for ministers but the cover up. They are both incompetent and it looks like the cover-up is unravelling before our eyes...

Next step from NuLab playbook is either civil servant resigns "it's all my fault" (nice payoff and well-paid new job in some quango) or junior minister resigns "I'll accept there are lessons to be learnt and we can now draw a line under this difficult issue and move on".. "Dr" John Reid hides from the media for another week or two.

Accountability...yeah right, it's more like a 3rd rate panto

Anonymous said...

Home office latest;

Reid suspends everyone except the caretaker. Who then goes on strike.
Reid promptly suspends him. And just before the medics arrive, he suspends himself.

Anonymous said...

Iain, something stinks about this whole mess. Every time a new aspect of this latest fiasco comes to light we get a different spin, followed by proof that the HO briefing from ministers is yet again incorrect.
This really does smell of the whole ship going down, and the way that no minster so far has taken any responsibility speaks volumes.
John Reid said the Home Office was not fit for purpose, and clearly laid the blame at the door of the many people under this Labour government ministerial team.
Looks like it is the management at the top who are not up to the job, and like the Generals in the military who attacked Labour's management of the MOD, the many people within the Home Office no longer seem prepared to sit back and watch their department go down without a fight while they are used to take the blame.

Anonymous said...

We are not amused.

Anonymous said...

Anyone fancy betting on how long it will be before the Tories get blamed for this problem.

Anonymous said...

Trumpeter lanfried said "Hey, this is warming up! I smell resignations. Don't fumble this one Tory front bench. Go for the jugular."
If I hear David Davis say any of the following once more I shall scream and despair.
"I'm afraid to say that..."
"I'm sorry to have to say that...."
"Unfortunately I have to say that...."
etc ad nauseum.

Anonymous said...

anyonebutblair [11.49 p.m.] Of course! I had forgotten the magic incantation. "It is time to DRAW A LINE under this and MOVE ON."

Unfortunately this government has drawn so many lines under so many things it's beginning to look like a shove h'apenny board.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, why does it matter which Minister? Reid told us that no minister had been informed. Either that means that the Home Office is a shambles or that Reid is a liar. Or both.

It actually won't matter if Reid has to resign because none of the other inner circle will be able to sort it out.

Anonymous said...

Iain, you MUST follow this one through - Reid has been teflon-coated up to now, but this is the one that could stitch him up.

More like this please,

Anonymous said...

I for one have no trouble whatsoever believing that Ministers knew bugger all.

Ignorance isn't a defence for this cabinet, it is a state of being.

Yak40 said...

Howard, great minds think alike, I posted a tongue in cheek comment the other day suggesting it was a Broonian plot to discredit Reid !!

Anonymous said...

If you witnessed McNulty, Friday and today, you know that he will need to be pushed. An utterly laughable and dishonest performance both times, his only tactic is the Prezza position of speaking a new languauge seemingly made of the names of many European agreements that dont exist interspersed with inquiry, inquiry..... i accept your resignation on teh grounds it would be cruel to allow you to continue...

Anonymous said...

Example of the informing:

"Hah, you missed a really hot meeting this morning"